If you are concerned about water quality and the decline in beneficial insects and birds, there are things you can do in your own yard that can positively impact this issue.
A rain garden is nothing more than a depression in your yard planted with native plants that collects water run-off from your roof, driveway or other hard surfaces. It acts as an infiltration system that keeps our rainwater out of the storm water system and on our properties, recharging the groundwater. Rain gardens reduce the amount of stormwater that ends up in our streams and lakes and helps to improve water quality by filtering through plants and the soil. Developing a rain garden gives us the opportunity to keep our water clean and percolate through the soils.
What’s wrong with stormwater? Stormwater is simply water that starts as rain that runs off roofs and other hard surfaces like sidewalks and streets, picking up nutrients from the fertilizers we pump into our lawns, pet waste from our yards, salts from the roads, oil from our cars, and other pollutants. These pollutants, carried by this once clean rainwater, end up in our creeks and rivers, polluting our waterways, reducing the water life and health of our streams.
Developing a rain garden is an easy enough task. Choose the location carefully so you get the most benefit of a rain garden. Look for a low depression or low-lying area that already exists in your yard. Be sure the rain garden is located at least 10 feet and down slope from your home or building, so basement leakage doesn’t become a problem. If you don’t have a low spot, you can create one by digging a depression in your yard where water would naturally collect or run the downspouts directly into the rain garden area.
Mix some compost into the existing soil. Remember the purpose is to filter water. You want your soil to be good for plants so filtering can occur. A heavy clay soil will hold too much water, not allowing it to percolate into the soil. Be sure to research the soil type you have and add necessary amendments.
When creating the depression, it is recommended to have about a six-inch drop from grade. The depression should be flat on the bottom, thus allowing the water to be evenly distributed in the depressed area. The sides should have a slight slope. Remember, you are preparing the soil for plants. Having loose, workable soil will not only benefit the plants, but will also allow for water to drain.
Choosing plants for your rain garden is lots of fun. A rain garden has three zones: wet, dry, and in-between. Know how quickly your garden is going to drain so you can appropriately plan on the types of plants to select. Typically, these gardens consist of native plants, although non-native, non-invasive plants could be used as well.
The advantage of using native plants is that they are accustomed to growing in a given area, making them easy to adapt and thrive. Be sure you choose the right plant for the right place. On the bottom of your depression, you should consider plants that can survive wet feet, as well as adapt to dryer conditions as water drains in the garden, such as lobelia or ironweed. Also, if the rain garden is located in sun or shade, choose plants accordingly.
The sloped sides of the garden are your transition zone, thus a plant that can take conditions that may be wet for a short period of time is in order. Such plants may be clethra, chokeberry, or a perennial such as wood’s aster.
The upper most part of the garden is the location that you will need to plan for plants that like it on the dry side. Such choices may be switchgrass, coneflowers, or rudbeckia. Also remember when designing to consider the height of your plants and where the garden will be viewed from, so the taller plants are to the rear and shorter to the foreground, or that the height of any of the plants does not conflict with visibility of parking or traffic.
Treat the rain garden as any other garden. Weeding and mulching will be a necessity when getting the garden established. Expect to have lots of critters: from birds, butterflies and insects, to chipmunks and rabbits, visiting your rain garden. Enjoy the garden and what life it brings while knowing that you are doing your part in keeping our groundwater recharged and our streams clean!
Master Gardener Hotline is open Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Starting April 1, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please send an email, with pictures if possible, to adamsmg@psu.edu with your gardening questions, or stop by Penn State Extension, 670 Old Harrisburg Road, Gettysburg.
Selecting Trees for the Landscape: Wednesday, March 27, 6:30-8 p.m. When choosing the plants for the garden or yard, there are so many choices. Join this class to learn about the function and aesthetics of trees. The environmental impact and needs of these plants will be discussed. Register at https://extension.psu.edu/selecting-trees-for-your-landscape.
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