
Rain gardens beneficial to environment | Home Style

If you are concerned about water quality and the decline in beneficial insects and birds, there are things you can do in your own yard that can positively impact this issue.

A rain garden is nothing more than a depression in your yard planted with native plants that collects water run-off from your roof, driveway or other hard surfaces. It acts as an infiltration system that keeps our rainwater out of the storm water system and on our properties, recharging the groundwater. Rain gardens reduce the amount of stormwater that ends up in our streams and lakes and helps to improve water quality by filtering through plants and the soil. Developing a rain garden gives us the opportunity to keep our water clean and percolate through the soils.

Mary Ann Ryan is the Consumer Horticulture Program coordinator from Adams County. Penn State Cooperative Extension of Adams County is located at 670 Old Harrisburg Road, Suite 204, Gettysburg, 717-334-6271.

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