
Comment period opens on environmental assessment for Logistic Park of ND | News, Sports, Jobs

The Federal Railroad Administration, North Dakota Department of Transportation, City of Minot, and Minot Area Chamber Economic Development Corp. have announced the beginning of a 30-day comment period for the Logistics Park of North Dakota (LPND) Project Environmental Assessment (EA).

The LPND Project EA was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and is available for public review and comment from MACEDC.

The EA comment began Friday and continues through Monday, April 15.

In June 2019, NDDOT, Minot and the Minot Area Chamber EDC, were awarded a Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Program Grant, administered by the Federal Railroad Administration, to develop the preliminary design and environmental documentation for improvements in compliance with NEPA. The anticipated improvements include rail infrastructure, maintenance building and roadway improvements.

The project purpose is to provide North Dakota and the surrounding region access to an intermodal logistics facility with transloading capability between truck and rail that facilitates cost-competitive shipment of goods among domestic and international markets.

Following the public comment period, the Federal Railroad Administration will address any substantive comments and move toward issuing a final NEPA finding, likely in the spring/ or summer of 2024. The Minot Area Chamber EDC will then be able to finalize engineering, obtain permits and advance to construction.

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