
Turnkey III landfill air pollution permit approved despite appeal


ROCHESTER − In the latest skirmish between state regulators and citizen activists, the NH Department of Environmental Services issued a modified air emissions permit for the Turnkey III landfill in Rochester on Jan. 19 while the original decision is under appeal.

The original decision approving the updated permit was issued in late October by Air Resources Division Director Craig Wright.

“NHDES reviewed the application against all applicable state and federal requirements pertinent to the requested modifications,” Wright wrote in the Findings of Fact portion of the permit. “In addition, NHDES considered all public comments submitted either in writing during the public comment period or in oral testimony during the public hearing. Based on its review and consideration of all the available information, NHDES determined that the requested modifications are allowable under all applicable state and federal air requirements.”

The 1,200-acre Turnkey property is the final destination for more than a million pounds annually of garbage and waste for the greater Seacoast NH region and from out of state.

An appeal to the Air Resources Council was filed in November by Katie Lajoie of Charleston who represented a group of local and regional activists. They claim the state has neglected its duties to protect public health, and in particular chose to ignore most public comments about the permitting process into a “non-germane” file that could be excluded as evidence in the appeal.


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