
‘No longer sufficient to merely pay lip service’

Companies that demonstrate responsible sustainability practices and respect for the environment will not only be doing right by the planet, but they are more likely to keep employees engaged.

That’s according to research by Culture Amp, shared by Australian publication SmartCompany, which found that companies with distinct environmental goals saw a 2 percentage point increase in engagement compared to similar companies that don’t. 

Meanwhile, staff members showed a 4 percentage point increase in long-term loyalty, suggesting that good environmental practices can also increase retention. 

“Alarming though it may be, the majority of organizations remain oblivious to the significance of employee perceptions regarding sustainability commitments,” said Culture Amp’s Ella McKinley. “Astonishingly, only 37% of companies in Australia inquire about their workforce’s sentiments regarding the genuineness of their sustainability efforts.”

The research also revealed companies that allow employees time to volunteer for causes saw a 15-percentage-point increase in perceptions of authenticity. 

Meanwhile, Generation Z employees were particularly interested in the corporate culture of employers. Culture Amp also cited a Deloitte study that found that 40% of Gen Z or millennial respondents would switch roles because of climate concerns. 

Not only is this vital for keeping talent on board, but environmental commitments should also help to attract new workers.

“It is no longer sufficient to merely pay lip service to environmental goals; genuine commitment is the catalyst for meaningful change,” McKinley added.

It’s not just in hiring and retaining employees that companies can benefit from climate-positive actions. Consumers are increasingly using their wallets to show support for businesses that are committed to change. 

Whether it’s setting out strategies to reduce office waste, implementing bike-to-work schemes, making an effort to combat excessive energy consumption, or utilizing renewable energy, there are plenty of ways for companies to do their bit to limit global warming.

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