
Environmental Defenders Office cleared by federal environment department over Santos court case

A federal review has found the Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) did not breach a funding agreement during a court case aimed at suspending an undersea gas pipeline off the Northern Territory coast.

The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has released its report on the EDO’s conduct, after Santos won a federal court challenge in January initiated by a group of Tiwi Islands elders.

Justice Natalie Charlesworth criticised the EDO in her judgement, saying its lawyers had engaged in “a form of subtle witness coaching”.

She found there was “an inference that Indigenous instructions have been distorted and manipulated” by the EDO’s lawyers.

A map of the Barossa Field.

The Barossa development area is in Commonwealth waters and about 300 kilometres north of Darwin.(Supplied: NOPSEMA)

However, the review has found the EDO did not breach the terms of a $8.2 million grant agreement between it and the federal government between 2022 and 2026. 

It also found there was “no evidence indicating potential fraud”.

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