
Committing to gender equity in renewables


The Queensland Government has become the first Australian state to join the international ‘Equal by 30’ campaign, committing to promoting equal pay, leadership, and opportunities for women in the clean energy sector.

The State Government signed up to five key commitments aimed at further integrating gender equality policies and practices, while increasing female participation across Queensland’s energy industry.

The Queensland Government’s ‘Equal by 30’ commitments include:

• developing a ‘women in renewables’ strategy with industry, universities and training providers to boost women’s leadership and employment in energy, especially in regional Queensland

• driving practical actions to improve gender diversity, participation and completion rates for apprenticeships and training in energy-related vocational and university qualifications

• improving data collection and reporting on gender participation in Queensland’s clean energy workforce to inform policies and initiatives.

• setting clear expectations and monitoring the state’s publicly owned energy businesses to provide leadership in gender diversity and foster an inclusive culture

• leading by example on gender-inclusive recruitment, promotion and participation within the Departments of Energy and Climate, and the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training.

Queensland’s Minister for Women Shannon Fentiman welcomed the commitment, saying it will help break down barriers in the traditionally male-dominated energy industry.

“It’s encouraging to see the gender gap closing but it remains far too great, and we must work harder to ensure equal balance, pay and leadership,” Fentiman stated.

Queensland’s Minister for Energy Mick de Brenni highlighted the state’s investments in clean energy apprenticeships, traineeships and degrees for women and girls.

“You can’t be what you can’t see, which is why more than half of the board positions across Government are held by women,” de Brenni. “And now ‘Equal by 30’ gives us the suite of practical actions to deliver on the aspirations of Queensland women and girls.”

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